Tuesday, 8 October 2013

digipak analysis 2- Rhianna

why do people watch music videos

Denis McQuail offers the following typology of common reasons for media, each one can be link to why people watch music videos:

- finding out about the relevant events and conditions in the immediate surroundings, society and the world
- seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and ecisions choices
- satisfying curiosity and general interest
- learning: self eductation
-gaining a sense of security through knowledge

people will go on youtube to find music videos to satisfy their curiosity of when they hear a song they may want to know what the music video is like for the song. they may also learn about different music videos in differnet genres.

person identity:
- finding reinforcement for personal values
-finding models of behaviour
-identifiying with valued other (in media)
- gaining insight into ones self

some individuals watch music videos that they can relate to. either to the spesific song or the artist. they may relate to the way they dress, act or maybe the lyrics mean somethinmg to them. they identify themselves sterotypically to the song.

integration and social interaction:
- gaining insight into circumstances of others; social empathy
- identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging
-finding a basis for conversation and social interaction
-having a substitute for real-life companionship
- helping to carry out social roles
- enabling one to connect with family, friends and society

usually people who watch certain music videos have friends or family memebers who watch simular music videos/ artists this can start conversations between differnet people, sharing the music vidoes that they like between each other. music videos are a good conversation starter and it can make them feel like they belong together as friends. it will give them sterotypical identification in a group of people

- escaping, or being diverted, from problems
- relaxing
- getting instrinsic cultural or aesthetic enjoyment
- filling time
- emotional release
- sexual arousal

people watch music videos for entertainment, they want to escape from reality and relax. some people are watch sad music for emotional release, while you can also get music videos that are watched for sexual arousal such as blurred lines by robin thicke (semi naked girls are in the music video). watching music videos dont have to be to learn something new it can just be for enjoyment.