Wednesday, 21 August 2013

brainstorm costume ideas

for each flash back there is a different costumes as its suppose to be showing that each flash back happened at a different time.

main video:
the main girl is in a summer dress to show off her femininity and also make her seem more mature and like an actual mother and a wife to someone.

flash back one:
the girl will be in casual clothes but feminine at the same time. I'm wanting to enhance the innocent look of the girl.
the boy will be in casual clothes but I want it to show that him as masculine but with an innocent look as well.

flash back two:
the girl will be dressed in a quite a bit more of a formal dress as it is a date, but it will be a very feminine dress again
 the boy will be in smart casual outfit that will show good fashion sense

flash back three:
the girl will be in a skirt and a top this is because it still shows innocence as well as looking slightly grown up.
the boy will be in smart casual clothes showing that he is trying to dress to impress to parents.
the mum will be dressed in mature clothes covering herself up with her hair up
the dad will be in smart casual as well

flash back four:
the girl will be in a formal dress, with earrings and a necklace and high heels
the boy will be in shirt and tie/bow tie with trousers and smart shoes

flash back five:
the girl will be wearing white, needs to look like she is at a wedding, she is a bride, possibly a vale as well
the boy in some sort of blazer or suit looking very smart as he is a groom in the wedding

flash back six:
the girl will be in a bit more mature clothes now covering herself a lot more.
the boy will be in just a t-shirt and jeans but more mature clothes than it was in the first flash ack.
the baby will be wrapped up in a baby clothe or something similar lie a towel.

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