Monday, 8 July 2013

firth's (1988) 3 categories of music video

1) performance videos
the most common type (firth 1988) features a star or a band singing at a concert with the fans very enuthisatic listening. the goal is to convey the sense of in concert experience
a performance video can also show the star or band in the recording studio to remind the viewer that the soundtrack is still important

2) narrative videos
this is a sequence of events, a video maybe telling a story in linear, cause and effect sequencing. love songs most commonly use narrative videos. the normal pattern of boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back

3) concept videos
rely on poetic form, primarily metaphor conceptual videos do not tell a story in linear fashion, but rather create a mood, a feeling to be evoked in the experience of veiwing. concept videos often contain elements of narrative and performance to keep the viewer entertained.

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