Friday, 19 July 2013

song brainstorm

for the song i am choosing to do for my A level adavanced portfolio is christinia perri- thouand years because i believe that there can be a good story line behind the song. its a very emotional song with a lot of meaning.i will be using the basic music video of flashing to different scenes and then back to her singing. i also like the fact that she is singing to the camera. i am using the orginal video mixed with other videos to create the best video i can. i have used other videos such as:
taylor swift- mine to craft my music video as it shows a lovey relationship growing more mature which i will be using in my video, it also has something bad that happens during it. also goes from one scene to her singing back to another scene of her and her man then back to her singing which is what i will be doing in my music video

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