Thursday, 7 November 2013

Album covers analysis

• Edge to edge
• Small colour pallet
• Colour scheme
• Minimalistic
• Genre characteristics
• Rule of thirds
• Attention to the centre 

On this CD cover it follows the rule of third and it directs your attention to the centre on the image which happens to be the person bottom. It’s a use of simple colours and covers edge to edge of the cover as there are no white patches showing. The background of the album cover is the flag on the American flag which links in to the title which says ‘USA’. The title is at the top of the cover which is where it normally would be so it doesn’t get in the way of the image or take away the attention from the image but it is wrote so it can easily be seen by anyone who looks at the cover. The image is done for the women’s gaze as it is of a man’s bottom stand

This CD cover is minimalistic and uses a very restricted colour pallet. The title is in the top left corner so it doesn’t distract attention away from the image and it is also in a bold font with the opposite colour box behind it so it is able to stand out and easier to read. The title is in the same colour as the image which covers the cover from edge to edge. The rule of thirds applies on the cover and the mouth of Lady Gaga is in the centre. It also tries and grabs attention and draws the audience in by the contrasting colour of red. Around the eyes are darkened to match her black clothes that you can just see and also the black background.

 This CD cover is very minimalistic and the range of colours that have been used are limited. The rule of thirds has been used and that has put the triangle in the centre of the cover. The image covers the entire cover edge to edge. The only massive contrast of colour is a streak that goes from the centre to the edge on the middle right hand side. But not all of this CD cover follows the conventional CD cover. It doesn’t have the name of the band and album on it (title).

This CD covers rule of thirds is applied and the center of the image that covers edge to edge is the side of the persons head. The person is doing an action which links into the same of the band which is placed slightly off center at the top and is in the same colour as the image (which is using a simplistic colour pallet). However the slight difference on this CD cover is that the title of the album is wrote down the left side and the bottom in 2 very contrasting colours to each other and the background. The font and colours are bold so you can tell that it is a punk rock band.

The title is in the top left hand side which contains the name of the artist (wrote in bold) and the name of the album (wrote in joined up writing to show femininity) the rule have thirds is still in use as the centre of all the letters but what the audience is drawn to is the blue ‘i’ and also the artist that is sat on top of the letter ‘A’ who does stand out. It’s not very minimalistic as it contains lots of different letters but they are all centralised so even though it’s trying to look random it’s very simplistic. The colour pallet is limited like conventional album covers.

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