Thursday, 28 November 2013

mock ups of my album magazine advert

I have created 3 diiferent mock up album magazine adverts.this is because I want to show examples of range of different ones. the first is a darkened image of a possible digipak album cover, using the same writing font and colour i have repeated the orginal artist and album name. i have also added a relaease date, different ways someone could have the album and the exclusive track that it includes. the second magazine advert is in balck and white which is like a possible album cover. this one seem a little boring but there is clear syenergy between them two. again it includes differnet ways to have the album, the title of the album, the name of teh artist,the exclusive single in the album and the release date. then finally the bottom magazine advert, this is using a different image to teh album cover but the same image that is inside the digipak. it is all in colour, and like the other two magazine adverts includes the details and is wrot ein teh same font and colour. this also has a smaller image on it which shows the actual album cover.

I have put the orginal album magazine adverts and change the size of them to A4. i have also used the ideas of the orginal 3 magazine adverts to create a forth. this magazine advert has the black and white image that is in the inside of the digipak and has the small image of the album cover of the girl smiling and in colour which makes it stands out a lot more than teh other colour magazine advert that has teh album cover on it. this also contains the name of the artist, the name of the album, different ways that the target auidence can get the album, what single it features and the release date. which is very simular to the other black and white advert, however the writing has been resized to make the writing a lot more readable and obvious and the writing has also been moved so it is more easier to read as well.

The new magazine advert

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