Wednesday, 27 November 2013

mock up of my digipak

In the making of my digipak I was unsure of what I want my digipak to look like so I created 2 mock up digipaks. 1 is in colour of the girl at the water fall. each picture is showing synergy as the girl is wearing the same outfit in two of the pictures and the other two pictures are of the scenery at different points. They are all in the same effect which is slightly darkened to you can see the features better. The name of the artist is in white and wrote in the font style of Monterey BT. And is placed at the bottom right hand side as it is out of the way of the main features of the picture. The second digipak is in black and white of the girl at the bench. Again this shows synergy as the two picture that have the artist in are wearing the same clothes just sat in a different way. these photos unlike the coloured digipak dont have any eye contact with the auidence. The other two pictures that are also in black and white are images of the bench with noone on it. But they are at different angles. The artist name and the title of the album are again wrote in white and in the font of Monterey BT however this time it is placed in the bottom left corner of the picture.

I have decided that I should fuse my two designs for my digipak to create a third design that has both colour and black and white. On the outside I have used the colour image of the girl at the waterfalls with the smiling and looking directly at the camera and the back cover of the rest of the wall that she is standing in front so they match. This is to show again that she is happy and it’s an image of showing that even though something bad has happened to her she is still smiling and still strong. This is an image that sells as everyone wants to feel like they are good. It also links into the single that is on the album that is about loving someone no matter what and in the video they break up. However on the side of the album I have put the black and white image of the girl sat of the bench not looking very happy. She is sat by herself looking very upset. And the other picture of just an empty bench that is also in black and white. This image can be applied for before and after. Before she was alone and by herself and now she is alone and by herself. I have put this is the inside as I believe that most girls can relate to the images and where they have been placed so I believe that it can sell more, they are all happy and cheerful on the surface but inside they feel alone and sad.
This is my final digipak cover. I have included on the back a list of songs that are in the CD which have been wrote in the same font and colour as the writing for the name of the artist and name of the album. I have also included a barcode in the bottom corner of the cd back which is very simular to what is on Christinia Perri album back cover. I wanted the front and the back of the cover to look as though it links together. While the inside links togther as well.

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