Monday, 18 November 2013

complete risk assessment for film location

There are 7 different settings for where the film is taking place, each different place has to have its own risk assessment done to make sure that the area that is being filmed in is safe and wont put any of the actors/actresses or any of the props or equipment in harm or danger in any way. the idea of it all is that the areas are as safe as possible with very little risks and what they can do to prevent these risks that may occur.

setting one: the living/front room of a house

setting two: a park bench (flash back 1- meeting each other)

setting three: at the waterfalls against a medium sized wall (flash back 2- first date)

setting four: front garden of a friends house (flash back 3- meeting parents)
setting five: Maise due road foot path (flash back 4- proposal)

setting six: church grounds (flash back 5- wedding)

setting seven: a between trees(flash back 6- argument)

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