Tuesday, 26 November 2013

story board

this is a narrative story but like tzvetan todorv's theory something goes wrong. this is a love song about how
this girl finally meets the guy of her dreams. I have the expanded on that and have given them this whole life that has happened because she has finally met the guy she has been waiting for. I have included key scenes of which I think has significance between 2 people when they have finally met the one. this is what is classed as a 'cheesy' story line as it is the fantasy of what a perfect life with someone will be.but it ends more dramatically giving the whole song more meaning. it is very stereo typical way of thinking of it. the flash backs are meeting each other, first date, meeting parents, proposal, wedding and having an arguemnt. but the only time you will see the girl singing is when she is looking through the photo album in the livivng room. I have chosen to end the video by a shut of a door to signify that the end of the video has happened. the reason that she is looking through the photo album is that she has randomly found it while she was tidying up and wants to look through all their memories of someone who she is still in love with now.

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