Friday 19 July 2013

song brainstorm

for the song i am choosing to do for my A level adavanced portfolio is christinia perri- thouand years because i believe that there can be a good story line behind the song. its a very emotional song with a lot of meaning.i will be using the basic music video of flashing to different scenes and then back to her singing. i also like the fact that she is singing to the camera. i am using the orginal video mixed with other videos to create the best video i can. i have used other videos such as:
taylor swift- mine to craft my music video as it shows a lovey relationship growing more mature which i will be using in my video, it also has something bad that happens during it. also goes from one scene to her singing back to another scene of her and her man then back to her singing which is what i will be doing in my music video

Thursday 18 July 2013

goodwin's 6 feature of a music video

In His Book ‘Dancing in the Distraction Factory’ Andrew Goodwin points out characteristics and features that can be found in music videos.
here are the 6 points:
1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.
(e.g. stage performance in metal videos, dance routine for boy/girl band, aspiration in Hip Hop). 

2) There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images.
(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
3) There is a relationship between music and visuals. The tone and atmosphere of the visual reflects that of the music.
(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
4) The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style). These include CUs of the star’s face, iconography of band image, visual trademarks and motifs.
5) There is frequent reference to the notion of looking (screens within screens, mirrors, stages, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body. ) There are often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).

 6) There are often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).
Ed Sheeran- give me love

Genre Characteristics:

clothes- casual
Edsheeran- shaggy hair, relaxed
women, loose top, baggy clothes, relaxed, tight shorts

Relationship between lyrics and visuals:
'give me love'- cupid is giving people love through shoot people with her bow and arrow
'play hide and seek'- women hides while 2 others seek
'i just want to hold you'- two models are embracing/holding each other

Relationship between music and visuals:
deeper vocie for when they go underground
smoke when slow motion happens as slow music plays
towards the end speeds up as the music speeds up

Close ups of artists:
artist behind a window mostly- long shots
a few shots of just Ed Sheeran with closer things blurred

References to looking:
cupid- always looking through car and cafe windows and around corners
female tearing her clothes (shirt) showing female body


Slipknot- Psychosocial

Genre Characteristics:
 metal- dark run down farm area
masks- not showing face- scary
filming a band playing
dark clothes
fire around them all, dark area, hell like atmosphere

Relationship between lyrics and visuals:
 'go dig your graves'- shows a dead rodant

Relationship between music and visuals:
 when the music speeds up the speed of the video speeds up
when the music slows down they film everything in slow motion

Close ups of artists:
 close up of all the artists in their masks- scary- most the visuals are put in slow motion

iconic videos

Here are a few music videos and an explaination of why I believe that they are iconic
Bruno mars- Just the way you are
the use of special effects and a ‘normal video’ combined to show the artist singing in person and also singing through the film from a tape as bruno mars becomes a image made from the tape. The interaction between the artist, girl and the film from the tape are used very well together creating different images that move slightly or move like a cartoon would but then it can also create a new image by itself. This is iconic because of the creativity between the artist singing and an image f the artist singing has barely been used before.
Gnarls Barkley- Crazy
The whole video is done by using ink moving in patterns, having the artist face in ink and singing. It’s not a normal video as the whole thing is black and white and there isn’t a real life figures white a setting as it is just ink. The ink moves to the music and the patterns are almost hypnotic to watch. It still shows the singer but not in the conventional way. This is an iconic video as there has never been a video quite like it previously or even now.
Christina Agulera- Candyman
This is an iconic video as the video is working off sex appeal from a women, using the past as a setting. Having men shouting/singing towards the girls acting like animals make them look irresible. This music video has 4 different places of where the artist is singing: on a stage as a singing act for a the army men, in a 70’s cafĂ©, at the air field, blank background and at a dance but they are all linked togther at points with the way she is dancing or singing.

tzvetan todorv's theory of narrative

stage 1: equilibrium- everything is balanced evenly, there is no problem, everything is calm

stage 2: disruption- something happens to upset the balance, choas, things have gone wrong

stage 3: recognition- what has upset the balance in recognised. the character see what has changed

stage 4: action- people make an effort to bring thee balance back, to restore equailibruim, the characters will have to work to make things different

stage 5: the balance is back- equailibrium is restored, all the problems are sorted out

Monday 8 July 2013

firth's (1988) 3 categories of music video

1) performance videos
the most common type (firth 1988) features a star or a band singing at a concert with the fans very enuthisatic listening. the goal is to convey the sense of in concert experience
a performance video can also show the star or band in the recording studio to remind the viewer that the soundtrack is still important

2) narrative videos
this is a sequence of events, a video maybe telling a story in linear, cause and effect sequencing. love songs most commonly use narrative videos. the normal pattern of boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back

3) concept videos
rely on poetic form, primarily metaphor conceptual videos do not tell a story in linear fashion, but rather create a mood, a feeling to be evoked in the experience of veiwing. concept videos often contain elements of narrative and performance to keep the viewer entertained.